
@Serializable(with = NotEmptySetSerializer::class)
interface NotEmptySet<out E> : NotEmptyCollection<E> , Set<E>


Use the kotools.types.NotEmptySet type instead.

Replace with

import kotools.types.NotEmptySet

Representation of sets that contain at least one element.



The type of elements contained in this set.


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abstract operator fun contains(element: E): Boolean
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abstract fun containsAll(elements: Collection<E>): Boolean
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open operator fun get(index: PositiveInt): E

Returns the element at the specified index in this collection, or throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.

open infix operator override fun get(index: Int): E

Returns the element at the specified index in this collection, or throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.

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open infix fun getOrNull(index: Int): E?
open infix fun getOrNull(index: PositiveInt): E?

Returns the element at the specified index in this collection, or returns null if the index is out of bounds.

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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<E>
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Returns the string representation of this collection as a NotBlankString.


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abstract val head: E

First element of this collection.

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abstract val size: Int
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Returns the size of this collection as a StrictlyPositiveInt.


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inline fun <E> NotEmptyCollection<E>.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> E): E
inline fun <E> NotEmptyCollection<E>.getOrElse(index: PositiveInt, defaultValue: (PositiveInt) -> E): E

Returns the element at the specified index in this collection, or returns the result of calling the defaultValue function if the index is out of bounds.

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Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

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infix inline fun <E> Collection<E>.toNotEmptyListOrElse(defaultValue: (Collection<E>) -> NotEmptyList<E>): NotEmptyList<E>

Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or returns the result of calling the defaultValue function if this collection is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or returns null if this collection is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

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infix inline fun <E> Collection<E>.toNotEmptySetOrElse(defaultValue: (Collection<E>) -> NotEmptySet<E>): NotEmptySet<E>

Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or returns the result of calling the defaultValue function if this collection is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or returns null if this collection is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.